Monday, July 11, 2016

I'm not Cheap, I'm Frugal

If I say it enough, it'll be true, right? 'Cough cough' politics aside, I'm talking cloth.

I cleaned my now small fabric stash. Organized it by color. And I noticed a number of scraps.

I couldn't throw them away. Odd, jigsawed pieces, with skinny bridges from one section to another, most sections not being bigger than a 5" x 5" mini.

Surely, I could make something with them!

I introduce to you: Jewel Bug.

Oh, cute overload!

Yes, I did it. A tiny omiyage cicada, just big enough to hold a wire wrapped pendant. A gift in a gift~ recyclable, re-giftable, bright and friendly!

My scraps are used, and the left-over scraps-of-scraps, of the size I can easily discard with a clear mind.

Happy camper.